March 2022
The Reichert Foundation was established in December 1986, for the general philanthropic purpose of providing financial support to those organizations that provide services to the disadvantaged. The Foundation principally donates to charitable organizations providing services in the following areas:
- Food, clothing and/or shelter to disadvantaged persons. The Foundation defines a disadvantaged person as being persons who are homeless, abused, physically or mentally challenged, or persons recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction;
- Disaster Relief;
- Care for disabled, critically, or terminally ill children.
The Foundation does not make grants to individuals. In addition, the Foundation specifically excludes donations to the following types of organizations:
- Colleges and other educational facilities;
- The Arts.
Geographic preference is given to those organizations located in the greater Lake County, IL area.
The Board of Directors reserves the right to donate to other organizations at its sole discretion.
The Reichert Foundation makes grants only to organizations who have submitted an up to date 501c3 Federal Tax designation letter. The Reichert Foundation does not accept unsolicited grant proposals.